Emily is 9 months old...her last month in the single digits! She's getting so big. She had her well baby dr's visit on last Monday and she weighs 18lbs 2oz which shes been hovering around for a while now. She's 26.5 inches long! We're all still a little sick right now with colds too.

What have we been up to? Crawling, pulling up to standing, talking, sleep training (more on that in another post), climbing up the stairs, and teething mostly! Emily loves to climb in the refrigerator since its a good height to pull up on. She's really good at crawling on all fours. She used to sometimes let her right leg stay straight while she's on her left knee, it's pretty funny to watch! She always wants to get in your lap if you're on the floor with her and treats you like a jungle gym! She loves standing up! Poor thing is also cut 4 top teeth at once too. One of the eye teeth have popped through and one front tooth, but you can see the others making their way down. Teething sucks! We've been freezing wet washcloths for her to suck on and they seem to help. So does Tylenol at bedtime. She's got a little runny nose and a pretty yucky cough too. She constantly has a paci or her fingers in her mouth but I try and keep it out so she'll talk more. I love listening to her babble. She's saying "dada" "ah da" "nananana", and sometimes "lalalala", all very cute. No "mama" yet though (sigh). She likes to open close her hand in a wave movement when saying "dada" and if you make that same movement she'll say it. So funny!

Since I was in San Diego at the CAbi Scoop, Blaine was on his own a couple of weekends ago! They did great! My mom and his mom helped out and everyone survived. I loved getting pictures and updates but I really missed being away that long. It was hard, but I managed to reconnect with my CAbi sisters and we had a wonderful time. And did I mention that while it was freezing and snowing here that it was 75 and sunny with no humidity in beautiful Southern California?!? We should move there! The fashion show to see the new Spring collection was fabulous and the clothes are to die for, my favorite so far! Let me know if you want to hear more about what I'm doing with CAbi!!

Emily is doing great at school and has so much fun everyday. I enjoy the break too. I spend a lot of my time now keeping her from pulling the lamp off the table, eating grass, climbing up the stairs to the bonus room, and going behind the toilets! It's fun to see her mobile though, and most of it happened over night it seems!