Monday, October 22, 2012

Emily is 6 months old!

Emily had her half birthday on Saturday! The past 6 months have flown by (but ya'll already knew that)!  We've been so busy I haven't had time to post.  My CAbi business has also been keeping me pretty busy when Emily is at school and in the evenings after she's in bed. 

We had her 6 months doctor's appointment today and she weighs 17lbs 12oz and is 25 1/2 inches long...growing so much! She's teething pretty bad and has to have her hands, a toy or a paci in her mouth at.all.times!  She also had shots today, poor baby. 

Mostly I just need to catch ya'll up on some pictures.  But I'll throw in a little commentary just for fun. 
Let's start from a month ago...
My parents came for a visit and I decorated our front door just in time to get the Halloween festivities started.
Blaine and I took Emily to visit the Sandhills Community College Horticultural garden one beautiful Sunday afternoon. I had never been there and I've lived here for 10 years now. We'll definitely go back when more things are blooming b/c I can tell it's going to be beautiful.
We celebrated my birthday at lunch with Blaine's mom, dad and sister. Emily was squealing LOUDLY b/c she was so excited to be sitting with Grandma and trying to drink from her glass!  I know that everyone in the restaurant was glad when we left.
This was supposed to show off her Kansas Jayhawks outfit from her Aunt Kelli but this shot is much funnier!  She has a ball rolling on the floor and has gotten VERY good at it.  She's starting to try and get up on her knees a little but can push herself all the way onto her hands at least.  I think seeing all the other babies at her preschool has really helped with her liking tummy time.
This is one evening before dinner on she and Blaine's "nature walk".  They survey the yard to make sure everything is growing like its supposed to and she gets to touch the pine needles and has even picked me a rose. Such a sweetie!
We've been able to go visit my parents quite a bit lately. Mostly b/c my sister has been coming home to work on details of her upcoming (3 weeks away!) wedding.  This trip was for her dress fitting and bridal portraits I think.  I was able to find this jumperoo to keep at my parents' house for Emily and she loves it.  See how she has a towel under her feet? Not anymore, she can touch the floor now!  She loves to bounce too from the look on her face!
She's just hanging out with her twin PaPa here and chewing on her Sophie the Giraffe.  Unfortunately Sophie doesn't squeak anymore. I had to boil it b/c she had a little bout with thrush and I was trying to kill the bacteria. She's all better for now but that stuff can be hard to get rid of so we have some medicine on hand just in case.
Emily's GiGi was showing off her pretty Stella and Dot necklace while we were waiting for Allyson's dress fitting at the bridal salon. She's so curious now and reaching out for everything.
Emily went to visit her daddy at work one day to shop for some new insurance. He was able to save her TONS, you should call him and have him save you some too! hahaha!
Sorry for the blurry picture, I was trying to snap it before she fell out of her seat.
Aunt Kelli helped her type out her application on the typewriter! They had fun exploring the office that day!
We took Emily to pick out a pumpkin one beautiful Saturday. It wasn't a real pumpkin patch but just some road side stand. She didn't care either way.
See how curious she is...this isn't the first time I've caught her trying to roll onto the bottom shelf of a bookcase! 
So cute in her monogrammed overalls from her Grandaddy and Clareese! 
And this is miss priss sitting pretty in her tutu and t-shirt looking precious.  She's sitting up pretty good but still needs a little help. She's fell and banged her head a couple of times on the hardwood floor or a toy but she bounces back quickly (we've learned the art of distraction).
This isn't a very good picture but I wanted to share it. Emily is not really one to snuggle. But sometimes when she falls asleep nursing and I put her on my shoulder to burp I can't help but leave her there for a little while just to savor the feeling. Its my favorite part about nursing and being her mommy. I love her so very much and how could you not love this sweet face?!?

We're so proud of Emily and how much she is growing and developing. Its such a blessing to watch her and to get to love on her and hear her laugh everyday. I just want to freeze time...

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